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In these days, Serialization has more important for every kinds of product from egg to drug pills. To make the consumer or buyer knowing or tracking & trace the product’s source or even process. Anyway, the printer has to support on many kinds of material, size and content to be marked. To be sure to have the right coding and marking system is important because it could be caused of hidden cost. Especially, the system & programming to create the precise and correct variable content from database like number, 1D or 2D code on production line speed. The printing machine should be caught up and integrable with digital or traditional printing machine and inspection machine and etc.
High Resolution Inkjet Printer (HR)
The system can be linked to external data or ERP database, weight checker or inspection machine to print out or convert to data to print out in 1D or 2D code by PLC (C#) No needs further more program or add on. Or on very fast-moving production lines which need to be cleaned and tidy on printing environment area.
  • Game code Labelling
  • Tracking card
  • Serial no. on Plastic cover
HR Piezo (GK2.0)
The same with HR but suitable for bigger content up to 100mm. printing height on absorbent surface with water based ink bottle system
  • Carton box 
  • Cardboard tray
  • Wooden pallet